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Haley Scharf 2023 Headshot.jpg
Haley Scharf

School Psychologist​



Ed.S. School Psychology,

University of Minnesota
M.A. School Psychology,

University of Minnesota
B.A. Sociology, Wheaton College




PreK-12 School Psychologist
Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP)


Summary of Professional Experiences:  

Haley completed her M.A. and Ed.S. degrees at the University of Minnesota and worked for Minneapolis Public Schools upon graduation. She is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and is excited to be working at TCEC serving metro area schools!​


Personal Information:

Haley grew up in Kansas, Indiana, and North Dakota, but Minnesota has been her home since 2005. She lives with her husband and three children near Saint Paul's lovely Como Park. Together they enjoy playing with their puppy, doing puzzles, spending time near mountains and lakes, cheering for each other in sports, and family movie nights. Haley also loves reading, baking, photography, and drinking tea out of favorite mugs.


How can Haley help you?  

Haley is able to help your school complete special education evaluations and stay organized in the process. Using a variety of psychoeducational tools and strategies and working collaboratively with your team, she can assess student needs, design research based interventions, and monitor progress. Haley is passionate about recognizing strengths in students and schools, communicating clearly, and writing helpful reports. Other professional interests include childhood anxiety, executive functioning skills, and creating positive learning environments where all students can thrive.

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